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It has been barely 10 days into the new year and I have taken MC twice in a week. Yay for welcoming 2009 with illness. To summarize the events during the past few days, I spent more than $200 to consult different doctors. 2 with a GP and 1 with a consultant at the National Skin Center. It all started with a case of rashes, headache, body ache and fatigue. First consult with a GP and he said that its just insect bites. Gave me some cream and medication for itchiness. A day later and more of those blasted red spots appeared. So its another trip to the clinic again. GP insists that "It's healing!" still, it sure as heck doesnt seem like it. Took a blood test for dengue just in case and the results came back negative. Back to work the next day still with those damn red spots and the body aches. I seriously feel like I just got ran over by a 5 ton truck. So another shitty day began with the same old long bus trip and the normally 6 mins walk took me 10 mins from the limping which hindered my speed. Damn. So waited for the sup and left for the very isolated blk 30 and my routine task of starting up the equipment. Was wrestling with the control serum bottle when I realized that I couldnt flex my fingers. Looked down and immediately went "WTF!" My index finger resembled an over broiled sausage. Oh well nothing I can do about it then. Went through the whole day with a useless left hand. COuld hardly flex my index finger. Wasnt much of a big issue that night with family. Till the next morning. Another shocking revelation after I brushed my teeth. Left hand felt numb and when I looked down... OMFG! Swollen index finger, swollen palm. WTF is going on here?! Panic attack once more. As if it wasnt bad enough that I overslept and woke up at 6.18am. Went to bug Daddy to bring me to skin center later on before going back to sleep. The only thing good about this morning was the extended sleeping hours. NSC was nuts. Waited and waited and bounced from room to room. Consultant there said its puzzling. He thinks its an allergic reaction but nothing is concrete. Took blood once more. Bah. Twice in 3 days. Without a doubt, I'm gonna feel damn shagged the next day. Could hardly clench my fist then..only slightly better now though it itches like a bitch.
Hmmm..what else. Oh met Dr Jomer on the bus yesterday and took the entire bus ride with him. KILL ME PLEASE! He went all the way to tampines interchange to top up his ez-link..dont people usually GIRO it to their bank account?! Well, I do. Never had to worry about running low on funds in ez-link courtesy of Daddy.
Person A is still nuts. Dont give a hoot anymore. Already gave me a 3 for appraisal. Nothing else Person A can do to me. Found out more interesting stuff from others. They really dont seem to like Person A. They were telling me their opinion of why things turned out this way. Apparently in their opinion, the superiors are all for hiring me and the reason why Person A is nuts is cause he/she feels threatened. LOL. Then again, Daddy said the same thing too. But still, I've never intended to continue working there. Non-conducive working environment. No way man. Though it is nice to hear that the vets and the assistant managers have a good opinion of me. LOL. Arrogance is never good but still..WOOT!

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