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Poooo Tien!

Shit sky lol.. Alright, that was a bad pun.. Its Pu Tien...A resturant somewhere near Serangoon..They serve great food! The rice cakes are especially yummy! It was a dinner with relatives..well, there were only 10 of us.. The main purpose was to bring my maternal grandma out for a dinner. My cousin, being a spontaneous organizer, put together the outing and the rest of us cooperated to make it work. I hope my grandma enjoyed must really suck to be stuck in the same house with two ungratful grandchildren..(Its not me! I swear!)
Here's a lowdown on the gastronomic experience..

Cant remember what is this..but it tastes good!

Lychee Sweet Sour Pork and Three Egg Spinach

This is the famous Rice Cakes. I couldnt resist and ate some of it before remembering to taje a picture..

Claypot..Sea cucumber, mushrooms and brocoili..(First time that sea cucumber doesnt taste slimy..)

Fried mantous with the pork and onion filling. (If only there's curry crab...)

Sweet and Sour (or is it Spicy?) Fish. (And that's my aunt! =) )

The more than half eaten Deep fried Duck with Yam. (By the time it came round to me, thats all thats left T_T )

And for dessert, Ice Cream with Pumpkin Paste. This one is utterly sumptious..

Well, all in all, it was an enjoyable day with relatives..(A first LOL)

5 weeks down..15 more to go.. We are 1/4 through with SIP! WHEEEEEE! Well, I finally got my MP title on the 9th of October. And synopsis was dued on the 10th. Being such a genius, I churned out a 242 word synopsis in less than 24hrs. Dr Dan (The vet incharge) only edited one little fact and send me on my way to submit. WOOTS! I amaze myself sometimes. (Okay, most of the time =P )

Jomer is stressed out. He is so lame. He actually replied my email saying that he is saddened that I did not burn the lab down...

Went to Rouge Outdoors Cafe yesterday.. Their portion of wedges is HUGE. Think 4 potatoes...The wings were not as crispy or tasty as No.5 but it will do.. No.5 was completely packed that night.. T_T (I want my martini!)

Fuzzy Navel (Their drinks have weird names..) This one is orange juice with absolute..

Watermelon Martini (I didnt order this...)

Cosmopolitian (This one is nice!)

The drinks werent too bad..not as nice as No.5..the food was pretty good too.. Their garlic bread is organic lol..And the price..Major Ouch. $98+ for two..yikes..



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