Orientation Day 1

Orientation started yesterday without a bang. It was seminar after seminar all day and frankly, I almost fell asleep halfway through... It was just SO boring. And the australian accent is pretty much monotonous... They drone on and on about stuff and use all sorts of weird lingo.. Ugh. My poor mind had to struggle to understand... I think I need to take that workshop on how to speak Australian English... We wasted time by writing messages on paper and passing it between the four of us. Was trying to convince the rest to go for ice skating without much success... But Janet easily convinced the rest to ice skate with a simple sentence: "Transportation is provided." Damn, wth. Anyway, lunch was Subway sandwiches which were nice though cold. Had a bottle of Apple juice to wash it down as well. Then it was back to the lecture theatre for the next seminar which turned out to be some kinda workshop on self motivation on studying and I don't know what other stuff.
We made our great escape after that seminar and returned to the Student Village where Sheena and Ka Hang picked up their faulty lamps. Next was the walk to Kardinya where they got a refund for the lamps and we wandered around buying other junk. Got a call from Joven and found out that we were to meet at Carpark 6 for the ice skating. Shu Hui in a grand show of screwing up, led us to some fish and chips place instead of Chicken Treats. And we didnt realized it till I turned to look out of the window next to Shu Hui and pointed out Chicken Treats across the road. Major blunder. Scoff down our fish and chips and dumped a whole lot of fries into a plastic bag before we hurried back to the student village in a record breaking 10minutes. Nearly died on the trip back.
Hurriedly changed jackets and dumped the fries in the fridge before I was off again. The transport was actually cars owned by the volunteers. Stood around while they did headcount and organized the loading of passengers and we were finally off! The ride took a while... Like 30 minutes or so before we reached the ice skating rink. The place was frigging packed! Shuffled around to get skates and finally we stepped on the ice. The initial steps were awkward...been a long time since I last skated but quickly got the hang of it and started moving around the rink. Tried to teach Shu Hui but the dunce simply cannot understand simple logic such as lowering your body to keep your center of gravity low. Let Ka Hang teach Shu Hui while I helped Sheena around the rink. Pretty much ditched them once Sheena could move on her own unaided and I went around on my own. Spotted some new friends clinging onto the sides of the rink for dear life and offered a hand. Sucessfully managed to teach one of them how to skate in just two rounds. WHEEE! I'm good, ain't I. We stopped soon enough and simply sat at the benches when it got too cold. Stoned and chatted there before we decided to leave. Another friend kindly volunteered to drive us back to the village while the rest went for Mackles or however you spell that. Seriously, is it that hard to pronounce Mcdonalds?! Well, our night out ended then and I conveniently fell sick LOL. Was drifting in and out of consciousness all night as my body temperature changed from hot to cold. The body aches didn't help one bit. Finally drifted off to sleep for about 2 hours around 7am and woke up at 0930 and decided that getting out of the bed for a scavanger hunt would be suicidal. Texted Shu Hui that I really can't make it and drifted into unconsciousness soon after. Fever is a major pain in the ass. But was really touched that they hurried back and skipped the barbie to cook me porridge. I'm fortunated to have caring friends even though Shu Hui spent the whole of lunch snapping at me and calling me stupid for ice skating the night before. But, I deserved it. Oh well.

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

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