Ahh...1 week has passed..5days down, 95 more to go.. Strangely, the past 5 days seem much longer..STC has almost becomed a second home..Though its alot bigger than TAF, with alot more people and most days, there's pretty much NOTHING to do.. At least in TAF, theres always cat husbandry and rabbit husbandry AKA sai kang if you wanna pass time.. But in STC, the only things to do are, collect samples, process samples, run the tests, check results, get supervisor to validate and print results then send the results to the vets. THATS IT! ARGH! I'm frigging bored outta my mind! I spend most days reading the operator's manual for the Cell-Dyn 3700 which is used for haematology (CBC, RBC, Haem, etc counts..) In 3 days, I've mastered the operation of the machine and in those 3 days, I'm left to run the samples while my supervisor does her paperwork in the makeshift office outside. The office is still under renovation apparently. And she knows that I'm very bored. She kept bringing me around for rides to the EHR though we both know that there are no samples.. And I got to see one of the stables! That particular stable belongs to Bruce Marsh. He's a funny guy lol. Being a racehorse sure has some benefits..the track walkers pamper them..the stable hands keep them clean..they get walks once or twice a day and visits by the vets..Eat good quality hay and they get to crap wherever and whenever they want LOL. Countless times I have to navigate the buggy around heaps of poop.. Definitely wouldnt wanna let the tires roll over it.. My supervisor is really friendly too..after 4 days, I'm left to drive myself back to the EHR, drive myself to the lab in the morning (a very dangerous task! Must be very careful not to hit any horses..alot of 'traffic' in the morning..) and she made me clock in and out for her! ARGH! At least she trusts me. Thats a plus point..
Cam whoring..since theres nothing else to do..
P.S: Horse urine is really thick..and bears an uncanny resemblance to honey.. yucks..